Deep Learning

Amir Atapour - Teaching

Durham University, 2022 - present.

Amir Atapour Teaching

Lectures, Practicals, Coursework.

Foundations of deep learning and learning in nature,
PyTorch programming, Designing deep neural network architectures,
Adversarial models, Energy-based models and Flow models,
Sequential models and Transformers, Generalisation theory


Image Processing

Amir Atapour - Teaching

Durham University, 2021 - present.

Amir Atapour Teaching

Lectures, Practicals, Coursework.

Introduction to Image Processing, Applications and limitations of Image Processing,
Local Transforms, Point Transforms, Contrast Enhancement, Noise and Filtering,
Spatial Filtering, Histograms, Histogram Equalisation, CLAHE, Global Transforms,
Fourier Domain, Fourier Transform, High/Low/Band Pass Filtering, Colours,
Colour Spaces, Colour Processing, Discrete Cosine Transform, Image Compression.


Systems Programming

Amir Atapour - Teaching

Durham University, 2021 - present.

Amir Atapour Teaching

Lectures, Practicals, Coursework.

UNIX/Linux and C, Intro, HelloWorld, Compiling, Pre-processor,
Control flow and functions, Data types, structs and unions,
Memory access using pointers, Dynamic memory management,
Scope of variables and recursive functions, Debugging,
Large programs and external libraries, Intro to C++.

PhD Research Supervision

Amir Atapour - Teaching

Durham University, 2021 - present.

Amir Atapour Teaching

PhD Supervision.

Research Projects:

  • Off-road Autonomous Navigation
  • On-Vehicle BCI
  • Image Inpainting Methods and Applications
  • 3D Sensing via 360 Panoramic Images

UG and MSc Research Supervision

Amir Atapour - Teaching

Durham University, 2021 - present.

Amir Atapour Teaching

UG and MSc Supervision.

Machine Learning Projects, including:

  • Predicting Video Game Outcome and Player Rankings
  • Anomaly Detection
  • Ocular Symmetry for MS Diagnosis

PhD Research Supervision

Amir Atapour - Teaching

Newcastle University, 2021 - present.

Amir Atapour Teaching

PhD Supervision.

Research Projects:

  • Analysis of Different Machine Learning and Inference Methodologies on Edge Devices
  • Temporal Graph Representation and Comparison
  • Multi-Task Learning
  • Neural Architecture Search

MSc Research Supervision

Amir Atapour - Teaching

Newcastle University, 2020 - 2021.

Amir Atapour Teaching

MSc Supervision.

Machine Learning Projects, including:

  • AI and Dermatology
  • Bias Removal in Skin Lesion Identification
  • Image-to-Image Translation
  • Detecting Clouds in Satellite Images
  • Segmenting Marine Life Images
  • Fake News Classification using Transformers
  • Mobile Use Driving Violation Detection
  • Banking Data Modelling
  • Analysis of Synthetic Environments for RL-Based Driving
  • Improved Knowledge Graph Building using Transformers
  • Bias Removal in Semantic Segmentation
  • Fine-Grained Classification using Limited Data

Undergraduate Research Supervision

Amir Atapour - Teaching

Newcastle University, 2020 - 2021.

Amir Atapour Teaching

Dissertation Supervision.

Machine Learning Projects:

  • Image Colourisation
  • Deep Learning for Image Inpainting
  • Diagnosing the Parkinson’s Disease

Deep Learning

Amir Atapour - Teaching

Newcastle University, 2021 - 2021.

Amir Atapour Teaching

Lectures, Practicals, Coursework.

What is Deep Learning? Applications of Deep Learning, Loss functions and Backpropagation, training and optimisation,
Classification/Regression, Convolutional Neural Networks, Computer Vision applications, Recurrent Neural Networks,
Natural Language Processing applications, Improved training and performance of neural networks, Generative models,
Ethics and challenges of Deep Learning, Deep Reinforcement Learning, embeddings and Representation Learning.

Software Engineering


Durham University, 2015 - 2018.

Amir Atapour Teaching


Software development practices, requirements discovery and analysis, software Design, testing, human computer interaction, software quality and process, project management, etc.

Software Methodologies


Durham University, 2015 - 2018.

Amir Atapour Teaching


Artificial Intelligence Search: heuristic searches, local searches, simulated annealing, genetic algorithms, etc.
Graphics: 3D graphics construction, rendering, modelling, transformation, shading, texture mapping, OpenGL, etc.
Digital Communication: entropy, information theory, lossless compression, encryption algorithms, etc.
Image Processing: transformation functions, histograms, spatial linear and nonlinear filters, JPEG, colour spaces, etc.

Programming Paradigms


Durham University, 2015 - 2017.

Amir Atapour Teaching


Systems programming: C, Bash, etc.
Functional programming, Haskell.
Object oriented programming: Java, Python.
Web Programming: HTML, JavaScript, PHP.

Real-Time Computing


Durham University, 2015 - 2016.

Amir Atapour Teaching


Real-Time Systems, C.

Programming Languages


Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, 2011 - 2015.

Amir Atapour Teaching

Lectures and Practicals.

C, C++, Java.

Management Information Systems


Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, 2011 - 2015.

Amir Atapour Teaching


Concepts and principles, design, automation systems and enterprise planning.

Principles of Compiler Design


Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, 2011 - 2015.

Amir Atapour Teaching

Lectures and Coursework.

Introduction, architecture, lexical and syntax analysis, parsing methods, error recovery, semantic analysis, run-time environments, etc.

Artificial Intelligence


Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, 2011 - 2015.

Amir Atapour Teaching

Lectures and Coursework.

Stochastic search methods, combinatorial optimisation, soft-computing methods, principles of machine learning, neural networks, image processing and computer vision, etc.

English for Computer Science


Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, 2011 - 2015.

Amir Atapour Teaching


Graduate level course for computer science students.